Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Brought My Family Together


Brazilian jiu-jitsu was my husband’s idea.

We brought our son to a local Brazilian jiu-jitsu studio, and he loved it! The instructor was amazing with our son, and it seemed like a great activity, so my husband also decided to go.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu studio

Then my husband thought I should try it. I said “no way” at first. I could think of a million excuses to not try this class: I exercise alone, I don’t like being close to people and the gi that they wear looks hot. My husband continued to bring it up and I continued to shut it down, until that fateful day when my own mommy words came back to me. I was talking with my older son about how well he was doing in class, and he said, “you should try it.”

I paused. “No, mommy likes to go running.”

He followed with “mom, you always tell me to try new things and give them a chance”.

I really paused as my then 5-year-old waited for my answer. It was in that moment that I was reminded that my children are listening and watching everything I do. He worked so hard for everything in life- how could I tell him “no, mommy was scared and I wouldn’t try something new.”

So I did it, I agreed to go to jiu-jitsu.

My husband and son were thrilled. I told myself that I would take the introductory classes and then allow myself to quit. Everyone would be happy. I would try something new and be a great example, and then stop and emphasize the importance of trying new things.

So off I went to my first class. It went well, and I actually liked it! For that hour, I was not thinking about anything! I was actually so involved in the moment that I was not a mom, wife or medical coder. I was just me. I kept coming back to class. I started to see changes in my body and my strength.

The most surprising change to me was in my mind. I never recognized the amount of worry and anxiety being a mom had brought me.

This class became my release, and the only time I truly was not thinking about anything else. The only way to describe this class  would be to say it is like playing chess with your body. You are thinking only about what your next move will be, and what you think your opponent’s next move is. That is it. I came home from class happier and calmer than any other activity I have done.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu studio, part 2.

I am a member of a truly great jiu-jitsu community now and all because my son said “mommy, you should try it.”



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