Hey There, Moms of High School Seniors


Hey there, moms of high school seniors: the baker of cupcakes, the host of the team dinners, the organizer of Senior Night, the coordinator of the fundraiser and the keeper of photos because this is The Last Season. I see you.

A box of decorative blue and green cupcakes with soccer balls on them.
Celebrating the last season of high school soccer.

To the provider of rides to yet another far-flung field, another college sports tryout location, embroiled in college athletics recruiting and trying to prepare their athlete without knowing what the coaches are seeking: I see you.

To the protectors who hear an early “no” from the school of their child’s dreams, lifting them up while being so deeply disappointed and tense yourself: I see you.

To the parents who love the beautiful child before them just as they are and wish the mantra they told them would have been

“You can DO anything you want” rather than “you can BE anything you want.”

I see you.

To the 3 AM worriers who count sheep (branded with the numbers “529”), wondering how you will pay for college, and if financial or merit aid really exists: I see you.

To the school counselors who check in on the process, the English teachers and mentors who review the college essays, and the writers of recommendations: I see you.

To the yearbook order form filler-outers (and payers), the cap-and-gown orderers, the attenders of college planning webinars, the arrangers of the senior portrait photoshoot: I see you.

A black and white photo of graduates tossing their caps in the air after a ceremony.

To the new 18-year-old’s Mama Bear, who keeps putting off  Power of Attorney forms for health care and financial decisions that cement your young adult’s new independence, and the conversion of custodial accounts: I see you.

To the wanna-be accounting wizards who still haven’t started the FAFSA for college financial aid (due now): I see you.

To the keeper of the family (and of the winter tires), who has a younger child, older siblings, or older parents with their own schedules and needs: I see you.

To the moms who are trying to eat healthfully, keep up an exercise routine, keep up with work, go to bed on time, get up on time, and do it again, every day: I see you.

To all the moms of high school seniors who are running this marathon while trying to savor Every Last Minute of parenting this amazing human who is nearly grown and almost flown: I am you.

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Vicky Parra Tebbetts
Originally from Connecticut, Vicky lived on a farm in Cabot for 22 years before recently moving to South Burlington seeking greater opportunity in high school education. She is a mom to a teen boy and girl, and a Goldendoodle who grew up to look more like a poodle. A reticent soccer mom and former lawyer who owns her own marketing and communications business, she spends most of her work time playing with words. She mourns the demise of the serial comma. Don’t ask her if she passed the bar exam (she did) and why she doesn’t have her own website if she writes them for others (she’s been working on her own site for about six years). She’s outside every day, and you may find her sitting in the sun in January, wrapped in blankets. Swinger of birches and lover of all things Vermont, she hikes, paddles, cooks gluten-free and vegan food, reads meaningless novels, and is a recent Pilates convert. She loves to visit her happy place any time of year in Ogunquit, Maine.


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