Making “You” a Priority


It is easy to get swept up and forget to keep ourselves as a priority. Do you ever have trouble with this? Here are a few daily rituals and strategies that we think can help:

1.  It’s ok to say NO

The busier you get the more connected you’ll get and the more opportunities you’ll have. Always evaluate if the opportunity is something that will get you closer to your goals. Be selfish and look at how saying yes will benefit you. How will you leverage this opportunity to work for you? If you say YES to something, remember you are saying NO to something else. You only have time for so much, and by taking on a new commitment ask yourself what are you giving up – is it your own time for your workout or downtime? Is it time away from your family?

2.  Plan ahead

I have always been a planner and believe this is one of the biggest secrets to keeping your sanity. You have to plan ahead and put yourself on a schedule. Your workout time, your downtime, your reading time, even your running errand time – plan it all! Every Sunday night take time to plan out your week as best you can. Don’t forget to plan time for you – there should be a few non-negotiable items such as workout time. Give yourself time to regroup and take care of you.

3.  Get off the grid

Find some time during your week to cross off your schedule – and have no appointments, no phone calls, and no meetings. Give yourself some time to spend doing things that are important to you – reading, visiting with family & friends, doing something active, or going on a getaway with your husband. Having this downtime gets you re-energized for “Go” time again.

People are counting on you. If you don’t take time for yourself you won’t have as much to give to everyone else in your life.

“Take care of you for me and I’ll take care of me for you.”
– Jim Rohn

Permission Granted! Be Selfish! Stay focused on your goals and enjoy the journey.


[typography font=”Satisfy” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Written By: Cate & Kendra[/typography]

CateKendraArtemisKendra Sowers and Cate MacLachlan are certified personal trainers and co-owners of Artemis Fitness in South Burlington. Artemis is an all-womens training center, founded 2 years ago with the intention of providing a gym designed to help women set and meet their fitness goals in an environment that is safe, supportive and nonjudgmental.

For more information on Artemis Fitness or Cate and Kendra, please click here:



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