Note to Self: Mommy Edition


I’d like to think that I’m a pretty well-prepared person. As are most moms I know.

My diaper bag has the essentials, along with enough snacks to survive a post-apocalypse, and toys to distract small children should we get stuck anywhere (Dr’s office) for more than a few seconds minutes.

Mary Poppins, lamp, table, bag, boy, girl
Me and my diaper bag

I like to plan ahead to make sure I’m ready for whatever our day entails; this helps me stay sane in what could be chaotic situations. I also like to have things on hand, or be prepared for scenarios that I didn’t foresee happening in our day.  These have prompted me to make little mental notes to myself. Let me share a few from recent weeks:

Note to Self: ALWAYS have a change of clothes.

For each kid. We met a group of friends to do a hike around Colchester Pond. I was very prepared with bugspray, hats and snacks (those, I never forget). I even had two outfits for the baby! Well, this hike turned into more of a swim, and my 4 yo jumped in with his clothes on. Luckily, I had a extra towel stashed away in the car from a previous trip to the beach; but, as he jumped in and filled his clothes with pond water I vowed to never be caught without a change of clothes again.

boy, water, swimming, green shorts
part boy, part fish

Note to Self: White clothing and babies don’t mix.

I should know better than to get within arms reach of our 11 mo when I am dressed for work and he just had banana, avocado, or whatever other mushy and colorful food for breakfast. I do know well enough not to wear white anywhere but to the office. I guess this one morning in particular I wasn’t using my best judgement, and he gleefully wiped his sweet little blueberry fingers on my white pants. I looked down, grimaced, and made this mental note. (Also, we need more bleach)

Note to Self: Potty breaks before we venture to the grocery store.

Recently, the grocery store is my son’s new favorite place to go #2. And it might be all the walking up and down the aisles that triggers it, because he tells me he has to go when I have reached the end of the dairy side of the store. So, we head back to the entrance, and I leave my full cart of groceries, hoping no one thinks I’ve abandoned it and starts putting the items back. So I tell myself, all of this could easily be avoided if I have him sit on the toilet at home. Easy, right?

Lately, it has seemed like the majority of my mental notes have been related to items I need to have on me at all times. If we are venturing out of the house for the day, it’s like I pack up half the house to go with us. It’s no wonder my car doesn’t look like this:

van, junk, bike, tires, mattress
Just bring one of everything
photo cred:

But in my years of being a mom, I’ve certainly learned a lot about being prepared, and little mental notes help.

It makes me laugh when I think back to my pre-children days, and the kinds of mental notes I made for myself then. Don’t forget to pack a lunch (not three). Set an alarm to wake up after a nice 8 hours of sleep. Buy more wine, you’re almost out (actually, this one still applies)…

What are some mental notes you’ve made lately to get you and your kids through the usual day-to-day activities?

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Emily Houston
I am a native Vermonter, and even though the winters nearly drive me away each year, the beautiful landscape, supportive family, and wonderful communities keep us here! I’m also very fortunate to have a job in Clinical Research that married my love of organization with my fascination for science. As much as I love my job, our family is by far the greatest joy in my life. My husband and I have three boys and we have lived in Milton for five years. I also love running, cooking, and being outside with the boys hiking or hitting the beach!


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